
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Important Notice!!! Don't be Dirty!!

One common mistake of an inexperienced  gardener is not knowing how their unsanitary ways can and WILL cause a mountain of problems. I really pride myself on being clean, keeping algae growth down, and keeping my plants free from build up (suffocating doesn't feel very nice). It is important to prevent your garden from being infested with insects and the growth of disease. Its better to take an extra couple steps to prevent theses problems then spend all your time trying to fix them and not enough time enjoying what your doing. 

You cant focus on getting the most out of your plant until the underling issues are taken out of the equation. Why grow a plant 4 feet tall when  you could grow it 8? Why not give it the best shot you can. Only one of the many things that could go wrong, yes. But! such a small part can make a large difference when it comes to the quality of your plants.

Its ok when  your outside to throw the dead leaves you picked off your plants right on the ground but inside you would be oh such a fool. These piles of dead plant matter and dust attract pests and make a good place for fungus to breed. 

Wipe your walls and mop your grow room floors. I know this can be a pain considering you probably spent hours of your time putting everything in there and setting up "the best grow room in the world". Get over it.  I know that sometimes taking everything out of the room is just not "do-able" and some people are just lazy. But I am at least warning you. Humidity and temperature will play a role in the mold shacking up in  your grow room.

Clean your tools people! Don't give your plants Hep C. Hypothetically of course. Using  non sanitized  tools leads you right into a dead end. You are introducing your plants to disease right off the bat.


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