
Sunday, September 16, 2012

What came first? A lesson on Seeds

When I was little, one story that always stuck out to me was Jack and the Bean Stalk. How did something so big come out of something so small without any magic. There is just no way!  Well here I am and I am now realizing there was no magic, just mother nature.
Seeds consist of a an embryo, endosperm, and seed coating.Each seed will contain seed leaves, also known as cotyledons. Plants are classified according to how many seed leaves they have.Seeds with one cotyledon are known as monocot's and those with two are Dicot's. Grass is an example of a monocot because there is just one seed leaf.

Jack's Beans were a Dicot. Inside the bean,  the embryo is snuggled in between the cotyledon. The embryo consists of the first root (radicle) and the first leaves (plumule). Connected to this are the Hypocotyle and Epicotyle. Together they will become the stem. The Hypocotyle being the part closest to the roots and the Epicotyle will be the rest and the plants "backbone"


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